Essentially, the film is a two hour episode. Things happened, and they are resolved. I laughed, I cried, and I really felt connected with these characters. I don't care who you are, these four women are talented. Over the course of the series and the film, I have seen the women in every possible situation and convey every possible emotion. Never once have I felt like they have betrayed their characters or the show or the audience, so that's talent.
Of course, a review of this film is incomplete without mention of the fashion! I'm not a big shoe person...I mean, I love shoes, but not in the way my best friend or Carrie Bradshaw do. However, after seeing those blue heels that Carrie puts in her GIANT closet, I want shoes. The dresses were fabulous as well. Carrie's wedding dress was absolutely to die for. My favorite scene of the movie occurs when Carrie is moving out of her apartment and has a "cleaning the closet" fashion show, complete with 80's music.
Along with the talented core cast of women, the men of the cast also impressed me. I really can't say more without giving up plot points, but it was enjoyable seeing the couples interact with one another and grow beyond just the four single girls (although, that's what it always comes back to, so have no fear). Jennifer Hudson was also very fun and lovable as Carrie's personal assistant. She helped Carrie in ways that the other girls just couldn't, and it was nice to have another woman in the group, especially representing another view point other than rich, white girl.
So, overall, I give "Sex and the City" a favorable review, although it does wrap itself up a little too neatly in the end, probably to make it impossible to ever have a sequel. I mean, it could have sequel, but it would just be to to cash in on the success of this film. I also think that certain straight men would enjoy it, but wait for video. It's a rental for men, a theatre watch for women.
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